NEFAR’s April “Half-Blast” 2016 Launch

NEFAR’s two-day “Half-Blast” took place the weekend of April 9-10.  Under beautiful blue skies, rockets took flight both days.

Here are some videos and links to still photos of the launch.

Still Photographs

Jimmy Yawn (

Aerial Video

Rick Boyette’s M-100 “MegaGyroc”

MakeZine Artricle: Hobby Rocketeers Build Amazing Upsized Estes Gyroc

Red Bull Rocket Competition

Mad Maxwell

The Leaper

NEFAR’s October 2014 Launch Photographs

October 2014 NEFAR LaunchI’ve uploaded my still photos of the October, 2014, launch to the NEFAR Rocket Launch Gallery at

I’m still working on editing the videos from my quad-copter and will post them soon.


Astatula Rocketeers to Hold Launch in Lake County

The inaugural launch for the Astatula Rocketeers for Austerity (ARA) will be held at 10:00 AM on April 12, 2014, in Astatula, Florida, at the defunct Citrus Groves Estates next to Van Buren St. (behind Astatula Elementary).

Rocketeers will need to provide their own launch gear, but admission is free. The field supports 1/8 A through G motors.
